New Colombo Plan in Cambodia 2016
On 26 May 2016, Mr Simon Fellows, Chargé d’Affaires, hosted a reception to showcase the New Colombo Plan (NCP) in Cambodia. Dr Say Samal, Minister of Environment, used his guest of honour address to reflect on his experiences of living and studying in Australia and the value of student exchanges and studying abroad.
The event was an opportunity to promote NCP in Cambodia. This was facilitated by a panel discussion with representatives from two Cambodian organisations that have hosted NCP students and two Australian universities. The panel provided practical advice for Cambodian organisations on how they could engage with NCP and information on the benefits this engagement could deliver.
The reception was well attended, attracting over 120 attendees, including Cambodian Ministers; Members of Parliament; prominent private sector representatives and representatives from Cambodian and Australian universities, NGOs and civil society.
His Excellency Dr Say Samal, Minister of Environment, and the Australian Alumnus of the Year 2014, delivering his opening remarks.
Ms Ruth Stewart, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy, delivering her welcome remarks
(From left) His Excellency Dr Say Samal, Environment Minister with Mr Simon Fellows, Chargé d’Affaires, Australian Embassy
(From left) Dr Khieng Sothy, Cambodia Development Resource Institute; and His Excellency Hun Many, Member of Parliament
Ms Lim Saingchou, one of the original Colombo Plan scholars from Cambodia who studied in Australia in the 1970s
(From left) Dr In Channy, President & Group Managing Director, ACLEDA Bank Plc.; and His Excellency Pheng Sovicheano, Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Works and Transport
(From left) Ms Katherine Ashley, PhD candidate, University of Sydney; Mr Seang Sopagna, General Manager, Bridge International Translation; and Mr Chey Virek, Deputy Manager, Deloitte Cambodia
(From left) Mr Simon Fellows, Chargé d’Affaires, Australian Embassy; Dr Chhem Rethy, Executive Director, Cambodia Development Resource Institute; Mr Chhuon Sarin, Cambodian Living Arts; Ms Thao Nguyen, Regional Director, UTS-Insearch; and Dr Russell Bush, Associate Professor, University of Sydney
(Women in the front row), Ms Bridget Power, New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant student 2016 sitting next to Dr Chhem Rethy, Executive Director, Cambodia Development Resource Institute